MDEF process • george hanna //click here to go back to homepage// MDEF process • george hanna

✅ microchallenge IV

[personal reflection]

Having worked with mostly many fab lab equipment and techniques focusing on fabrication and hardware electronics design, I wanted to make the final microchallenge an opportunity to work on software / interface design, mainly that I have worked on p5.js briefly in the previous microchallenge and it invited me to discover this world more.

Teaming with Aparna was interesting since we already have a lot in common and try to tackle the same topics. We had the interest in tackling themes of parasites and seeing different ways of representing them, and what better way than p5.js.

We have both dabbled in p5.js before and we have tried to create an interesting approach to showcasing different thoughts that we had on screen referring to Alien Melon’s work, as we had limited time. Using p5.js is such an interesting and open world of its own, I was overwhelmed from the possibilities of this tool and I am looking forward to take my time after MDEF and learn some p5.js courses.

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